Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Can I Use An Electric Steamer To Cook Pasta

Acer Aspire ONE to the TOP

After intensive research on the Internet to speed up the Acerona here's a summary of all the tricks to make Windows XP a splinter ..

  1. use as NTFS file system (you can use the command "convert C: / FS: NTFS / V");
  2. off " Windows NT NTFS Last Access TimeStamp " with regedit:
      Key: SYSTEM \\ CurrentControlSet \\ Control \\ FileSystem
      Name: NtfsDisableLastAccessUpdate
      REG_DWORD Value: 1
  3. if you do not use old DOS programs to disable support for the creation of 8.3 file:
      Key: SYSTEM \\ CurrentControlSet \\ Control \\ FileSystem
      Name: NtfsDisable8dot3NameCreation
      REG_DWORD Value: 1
  4. install the latest version of bios made available from the Acer site ftp://ftp.work.acer-euro.com folder "/ netbook/aspire_one_110/bios" (currently v0.3309 )
  5. disabled in the BIOS setting " D2D recovery " ;
  6. add 1 Gb of ram (crucial for all subsequent paragraphs regarding cache and RAM memory management in general .. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7xKSpW3q0GY ) thus leading to a total of 1.5 Gb ;
  7. off for all drives, the paging file :
    • "System Properties" -> "Advanced" -> "Performance" -> "Settings" -> "Advanced" -> "Virtual Memory" -> "Change" -> "No paging file" -> "Set";
  8. create a ramdisk with " http://depositfiles.com/en/files/916161 " and call it as " A: "(I suggest a size of 256 MB);
  9. set environment variables in Windows Tmp, Temp, etc. .. in a way that they point to" R: \\ TEMP "
    • " Properties system -> "Advanced" -> "Environment Variables"
  10. internet explorer:
      Key: Software \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ CurrentVersion \\ Explorer \\ Shell Folders Name
      : History
      Type: REG_SZ Value
      : R: \\ TEMP \\ History
      Key: Software \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ CurrentVersion \\ Explorer \\ User Shell Folders
      History Type: REG_EXPAND_SZ Value
      : R: \\ TEMP \\ History
    • "Internet Options" -> "General" -> "Browsing History" -> " Settings " -> " Move Folder " -> " R: \\ TEMP ";
  11. if you use Mozilla FireFox (which I recommend):
    • go to" about: config "then if not already exist, create an entry" browser.cache.disk.parent_directory "and set it to" R: \\ \\ TEMP \\ \\ " (Yeah, two back slash);
    • go to " about: config " then if not already exist, create an entry " browser.cache.offline.parent_directory " and set it to "R : \\ \\ TEMP \\ \\ "(yeah, two back slash);
    • install" Firefox Preloader "by http://firefox-preloader.softonic.it/ ;
    • install the add-in" DownThemAll! "
    • NOT set the history saving;
    • customize the toolbar setting" Use small icons ";
  12. enable" Large System Cache "
      Key: SYSTEM \\ CurrentControlSet \\ Control \\ Session Manager \\ Memory Management
      Name: LargeSystemCache
      REG_DWORD Value: 1
  13. set the" Win32 Priority Separation "Processor
      Key: SYSTEM \\ CurrentControlSet \\ Control \\ PriorityControl
      Name: Win32PrioritySeparation
      Type: REG_DWORD Value
      : 26 (Hexadecimal)
  14. off (if on) the Windows Indexing service ;
  15. disable all visual effects (to no avail!):
    • "System Properties" -> "Advanced" -> "Performance" -> "Settings" -> " Visual Effects " -> " Adjust for best performance ";
  16. disable the automatic search folders and network printers:
    " My Computer " -> " Tools " - > "Folder Options ..." -> "View" -> "Automatically search folders and printers network;
  17. disable the "Performance Counters "
      Key: SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows NT \\ CurrentVersion \\ Perflib
      Name: DisablePerformanceCounters
      REG_DWORD Value: 1
  18. set the "Menu Show Delay "
      : Control Panel \\ Desktop
      Name: MenuShowDelay
      Type: REG_SZ Value
      : 0
  19. to point your My Documents folder on the SD expansion (folder properties documents) ;
  20. uninstall Adobe Acrobat Reader (a real brick) and replaced by much lighter " Foxit Reader" ( http://foxit-reader.softonic.it/ )
  21. speed up loading drivers Online
    • create the following bat file in startup calling it " tdpdriver.bat "
      ------------------- @ echo on Echo Starting

      TCP / IP Services

      md A: \\ DRIVERS

      copy c: \\ windows \\ System32 \\ DRIVERS \\ netbt.sys A: \\ DRIVERS
      copy c: \\ windows \\ System32 \\ DRIVERS \\ tcpip.sys A: \\ DRIVERS
      copy c: \\ windows \\ System32 \\ DRIVERS \\ afd.sys A: \\ DRIVERS
      copy c: \\ windows \\ System32 \\ DRIVERS \\ Ipnat.sys A: \\ DRIVERS

      net start afd net start tcpip net start
      net start dhcp
      ---------- ------------------------------------
    • modify the registry keys as follows: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
      • \\ SYSTEM \\ CurrentControlSet \\ Services \\ AFD \\ ImagePath value
        : \\? \\ A: \\ DRIVERS \\ afd.sys (leave "\\" and "?" unchanged);
      • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SYSTEM \\ CurrentControlSet \\ Services \\ NetBT \\ ImagePath value
        : \\? \\ A: \\ DRIVERS \\ netbt.sys (leave "\\" and "?" unchanged);
      • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SYSTEM \\ CurrentControlSet \\ Services \\ Tcpip \\ ImagePath
        value: \\? \\ A: \\ DRIVERS \\ tcpip.sys (leave "\\" and "?" Unchanged);
      • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SYSTEM \\ CurrentControlSet \\ Services \\ IpNat \\ ImagePath value
        : \\? \\ A: \\ DRIVERS \\ Ipnat.sys (leave "\\" and "?" unchanged);
  22. Install FlashFire ;


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